Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7th

Greetings...sending you wishes for an enjoyable and safe weekend.
(and if you are reading this before Friday's class tomorrow, yes, we have class! :-)...)

The following link will lead you to...Reading Packet #3, due to be read by Monday.

"Assessing and Managing Depression in the Terminally Ill Patient

It is an article published in the spring of 2005 in The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry.

It APPEARS at first glance to be very "academic"--however--do not fret. It is actually very readable and quite interesting. It offers case studies to consider which always aids in a rather academic topic such as this one.

Walter is obviously affected by his knowledge that he is terminally ill and so it is rather interesting to follow this idea further from television "land" to reality.

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